Archive for May, 2017

The Customer Care Guy’s Tip  – Customer Care Do’s and Do Not’s

Here are some customer care do’s and do not’s

The Dos:

  1. Do introduce yourself. Your customer likes to know who you are. They want to know who is helping them.
    Do observe customer distress. Notice if they are unhappy. You can see it in their body language or hear it in their voice.
  2. Do find out what the customer needs. Something is wrong or bothering them. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be talking to you. Find out what it is.
  3. Do make sure the customer’s needs are met. You can’t fix everything, but you can make sure they know you care and that you are trying.

The Do Nots

  1. Don’t pass a complaining customer or one that is requesting help. Help them or stay with them until you get the correct person to help them.
  2. Don’t ignore a customer’s complaint. It is important to them. Make solving their issue important to you. You never know the life time buying potential of one customer, their family, and friends.
  3. Don’t say “this isn’t my customer”. You may not have given them the bad service or defective product, but you can be the one to make a positive impact in getting the issue resolved.
  4. Don’t think the follow-up is unimportant. A courtesy call to make sure all is okay can make the difference between keeping or losing a customer.

The Customer Care Guy’s Tip – Customer Care Do’s and Do Not’s

Written by: Jimmie Aaron Kepler, The Customer Care Guy