Archive for June, 2017

The Customer Care Guy’s Tip – Do Not Be Rude.

There is never an acceptable situation that allows you to be rude to you customer or clients.

Join with me in searching your memory. Pull out that old remembrance of the customer service representative that was rude to you in 2010. You recall the one. He didn’t even put you on hold when he took a personal call on his cellphone and then told you to chill when you tried to get his attention.

Maybe your memory isn’t of a telephone experience, but a face-to-face encounter. You had asked for information on a product and the salesperson handed you a brochure and said it is in here. He then tells you to read it yourself or worse told you to go to their website and look it up. He never offered to show you the product or offered to sell you the product.

Even if you don’t think the above examples are rude, you have to admit they are less than helpful.

Never forget your customers will switch to your competitor because of rude or less than helpful behavior. This is a key reason many companies are improving and placing an emphasis on providing better customer service from all employees.

In our social network world, a bad experience is posted on Twitter by the time the unhappy person gets to their car. Their posting of one bad experience can destroy years of your hard work. You certainly don’t want customers reading dreadful stuff about you on Facebook.

How do you avoid this? Don’t ever be rude! You need to really care. You need to make sure your coworkers and employees really care. Even if you think the individual was a bad or less than a courteous customer, don’t say bad things about them to your employees or coworkers! Set the example.

People will be demanding. Customers will be difficult. Sometimes you will encounter rude people. Remember, you are not the reason they are having a bad day. You control how you respond to them. Reflecting their venom back in their direction is never the answer.

Never be rude to them. Instead, be the ray of sunshine that brightens their day.

The Customer Care Guy’s Tip – Do Not Be Rude.

Written by: Jimmie Aaron Kepler, The Customer Care Guy